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Difference Between Full Promotion and Mini Promotion

---------- FULL PROMOTION ---------

Registration page - 30 mins
Cover photos
- Uploading photos to group and fan page - 15 mins
- Updating the Sign-Up Button in Fan Page - 15 mins
- Adding description to the cover photos for - 15 mins
Pinterest - 15 mins
Page posts:
- Pinning of primary post -
- Scheduling of promo posts including reminder page posts - 30 mins
Events: Create events to both Fan page and group - 30 mins
Emails: Scheduling Promo emails - 45mins

*Takedown of assets
- Includes: deleting page posts, changing back covers- 30 mins
Registration page - 15 mins
Webinar replay promotion: Email - 15 mins

---------- MINI PROMOTION ---------

Registration page - 30 mins
Page posts:
- Pinning of primary post
- Scheduling of promo posts including reminder page posts - 30 mins
Emails: Scheduling of Emails - 30 mins

*Takedown of assets
- Includes: deleting page posts, changing back covers- 30 mins
Registration page - 15 mins

**NOTE: Both promos exceed 15 mins, but since we love you and we don't want you to spend too much, we are just taking 4 hours for the Full Promotion, and 2 hours for the Mini Promotion**


All testimonials and success stories on our website are from members of Your Freedom Project and they're not compensated for their testimonials and endorsements.
Shaklee Corporation is not affiliated with and does not endorse Your Freedom Project.