Help Center

How To Create An Opportunity

As you meet people who show interest be it on the business or with the products, 
you'll want to have a way of logging these opportunities and keeping track of the follow-ups you're doing. 
You can do that conveniently from your back office. 

Here are the steps:
  1. Click on Actions at the top of your dashboard

  2. Select Create Opportunity menu

  3. The Create Opportunity modal will pop up.
    • Fill out the first field with your contact's interest, issue or need
    • Interest type: Select between Business or Product
    • Level of Interest: Choose from Unsure, Lukewarm, Warm, Hot
    • Action Taken: This allows you to log what kind of follow up you've already done. 
      Choose from None, Sent Email,  Started IM Chat, Phone Call, Sent Mail
    • Put the follow-up date and time 

  4. Next, add the contact name if it's already an existing contact 

  5. If it's not an existing contact, select Create Contact 

  6. Afer you click Create Contact, a form will show up. Type your contact's information

  7. Write your notes

  8. Click Create Opportunity 

That's it ! You've added an opportunity. 


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