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How To Create And Publish A Blog Post

In this tutorial, we'll help you find and access the Freedom Mail Email Templates.
  1. Log in to your Freedom Project account.
  2. On the left side of your screen, go to "My Websites".
  3. Choose "My Blog" and click on the "Manage Blog" button.

  4. Click on "Write your blog post".

  5. You will be directed to a new page where you can start writing your blog. Please see the following screenshot. 

    Please see screenshot below to see how it could look like. 

  6. Choose the Category you want to put your post under.

  7. Scroll down and add your Featured Image by clicking on "Set Featured Image".

  8. Click on "Upload Files" to upload new files. You can go to Media Library to choose a file you have already uploaded before. Then click on "Set Featured Image"

  9. After you are done, you can either Save Draft, Preview or Publish


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