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How To Edit Your Profile

Now that you've set up your Freedom Project account, the next thing you'd want to do is edit your profile. 

In this tutorial,  you will learn how to do that. 
You'd want to get this done before you activate your websites because the information you will provide will appear in important places such as your  websites and follow up emails. 

First, log in to your account at

Select My Profile menu

Let's start with your Personal details:

A. Login Details

This is where you can edit your password.
  1. You need to click on the pen tool on the right side to make this section editable.

  2. Type  your current password 
  3. Type your new password
  4. Confirm your new password by retyping it
  5. Click Update Password button 

Great . You've changed your password !  You can test it later by logging out and logging back in to Your Freedom Project. 

B. Contact Details 

Edit and update your contact information and view or change your email preferences here.
  1. Click the pen tool

*If you click on "View Routing Preferences", it will show you the emails you have already listed but won't allow you to edit them. 
  1. Click the pen tool
  2. Edit your contact details or change your primary email
  3. Click Save Changes 

C. Photo 

This is where you can upload and update your profile photo.
  1. Click upload

  2. A modal will pop up
    Click Select photo

  3. Browse through your files & choose your photo

  4. The modal will pop back, with the image you have chosen. 
    All you need to do now is click the Upload button. 
    (You can also Edit the Photo before uploading it by choosing Edit Photo)

D. Address 

Edit or update your address here. 
  1. Click the pen tool

  2. Once you've typed your address, simply hit the Save Changes button.

E. Website 

This is the last section under your Personal Profile.  

You need to provide your Shaklee Personal Website in order for your Product lead capture websites to work. 

F. Social

At this point, you may also want to edit your social media details. It is really simple to do that.  
  1. Click on the "Social" tab 

    You will be shown two sections namely  Facebook & Others. 
    These are editable by clicking the pen tool.

  2. Fill out the fields for social media accounts which you already have. 

    *Note that you are allowed to add up to 2 Facebook fan pages

  3. Click Save Changes. 
    And that's it. Your profile is all set up ! You can now go ahead and activate your websites.


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