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How To Set Up Disqus On Blog Admin Panel

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up Disqus, a tool for web comments and discussions. 
This will help you avoid spam comments because of its full spam filtering. Here's how you can set it up on your blog.  
  1. Go to Manage Blog

  2. Click Comments
  3. Click Disqus

  4. Click Upgrade

  5. Click (don't have a Disqus Profile yet?)

  6. Enter required details
  7. Click Signup

  8. Select "I want to Install Disqus on my site"

  9. Enter Blog URL and Category
  10. Click Create Site

  11. Go back to your blog admin panel and go to Comments > Disqus
  12. Enter the email and the password used in the Disqus signup form
  13. Click Next

  14. Select Website
  15. Click Next. You should receive an Installation Confirmation.

  16. Click "Cont. to moderation dashboard"

  17. Click "Go to Disqus Moderation"

You can now start managing comments here. 



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