Help Center

How to View What Domains You Have

In this help tutorial, we'll answer the most commonly asked question about your domains: 
"How can I view what domains I have and see what websites they point to?"
  1. First, you must log in to your account at
  2. Go to your Profile and Select "My Products" from the menu 

  3. Select My Freedom Domains

  4. On the left side of the page, select the domain from the list of your existing Domains. 
    Note: It should list all the domains you own with YFP.

    On the right side are the websites they point to in this order: 
    • Your Hub Site
    • Explore Opportunity
    • Mini-Office Outlets
    • Guide to an Online Business 
    • What the Doctor Wasn't Taught
    • 7 Big Secrets to Losing Weight 
    • 7 Ways to Improve Memory & Focus 
    • Vitality for Life Newsletter 


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