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Remote Desktop Support


remote desktop support


Sometimes we may need to have direct access to your PC to better assist you.
Please download an application below to allow the support elves remote access to your computer.


Download for PC    Download


Download for Mac Download


Instructions on how to run the remote desktop support program:


  1. Download the desktop application -
  2. In the pop-up window, click Run or Save and install the program after downloading.
  3. Allow the program to run if there is a security warning box that appears.
  4. After installing, a box will show up. Provide the ID to your Support Elf so they will be able to connect to your computer and assist you.


*Please be reminded that by using this program, we will be able to see your screen and have the ability to use your mouse and keyboard.


If at any time you want to regain control, you can simply move your mouse or let us know. To prevent us from controlling your computer, you can move your mouse or type on your keyboard.

If there are any changes that we will do on your computer, we will ask for your permission.


All testimonials and success stories on our website are from members of Your Freedom Project and they're not compensated for their testimonials and endorsements.
Shaklee Corporation is not affiliated with and does not endorse Your Freedom Project.