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Submit A Ticket

How can we help you?


You are allowed to upload a maximum of three (3) files. Accepted file formats are JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV.

Please try to be as specific as possible when describing your problem.


For example, Make sure to include the website URL or the title of something you're having problems with.


If you are asking multiple questions in one ticket, please number them accordingly (e.g., 1, 2, 3 etc.)
as this will make it easier for us to ensure all your issues are addressed.



Need to take Screenshots easily?
We recommend the following:


Download TinyTake
for Windows users


Download Skitch
for Mac users


All testimonials and success stories on our website are from members of Your Freedom Project and they're not compensated for their testimonials and endorsements.
Shaklee Corporation is not affiliated with and does not endorse Your Freedom Project.